
3. June 2024
Prof. Melgaard gives the talk Density functional theory with magnetic fields at MCC-35, the 35th International Conference on the Interfaces among Mathematics, Chemistry and Computer Sciences, June 3-7, 2004, Dubrovnik, Croatia.

20. May 2024
The paper entitled Bound-state stability of Coulomb three-body systems using numerical tensor methods has been accepted for publication in Physical Review A.

8. January 2024
The paper Spectral approximation scheme for a hybrid, spin-density Kohn–Sham density-functional theory in an external (nonuniform) magnetic field and a collinear exchange-correlation energy, joint with V. Syrjanen, has been published in Journal of Mathematical Chemistry.

29. December 2023
Prof Melgaard gives the Chemistry Colloquium talk Quantum Chemistry. A Mathematical Discipline, Department of Applied Chemistry, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taiwan.

26. December 2023
Prof Melgaard gives the talk Tour of spectral and scattering theory: eigenvalues, resonances, and numerics, Department of Applied Mathematics, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taiwan.

22. December 2023
Prof Melgaard gives the talk Quantum Chemistry. A Mathematical Discipline, School of Mathematics, East Chinese University of Science and Technology, Shanghai, China.

18. December 2023
Prof Melgaard gives the Physics Colloquium talk Quantum Chemistry. A Mathematical Discipline, School of Physics and Electrical Engineering, Jiangsu University, Nanjing, China.

14. December 2023
Prof Melgaard gives the Colloquium talk Tour of spectral and scattering theory: eigenvalues, resonances, and numerics, School of Mathematical Sciences, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing, China.

13. October 2023
Prof. Melgaard is an invited speaker at the forthcoming 26th International Workshop on Quantum Systems in Chemistry, Physics, and Biology (QSCP-XXVI) held in Jaipur, Rajasthan, India on October 14-20, 2023. Title of talk Tensor-structured numerical approach to the stability of Coulomb three-body systems, October 19, 2023.

3. August 2023
Prof. Melgaard gives the talk Poisson wave trace formula for Dirac resonances at thresholds and its applications at the 20th International Workshop on Pseudo-Hermitian Hamiltonians in Quantum Physics, 31 July - 04 August, 2023, Koc University, Istanbul.

5. June 2023
Team members attend the conference Numerical Methods in Quantum Chemistry 2023, June 5-8, Tromso, Norway.

26. April 2023
Laura Monk (Bristol) gives a talk entitled Spectral properties of random hyperbolic surfaces. This is in the context of the seminar series on Mathematical Physics.

29. March 2023
Harold C. Steinacker (University of Vienna) gives a talk entitled Emergent 3+1-dimensional gravity from the IKKT matrix model. This is in the context of the seminar series on Mathematical Physics.

22. March 2023
Louis Hamaide (King’s College London) gives a talk entitled Black hole information recovery from gravitational waves. This is in the context of the seminar series on Mathematical Physics.

8. March 2023
Together with colleagues in Chemistry and Engineering, we are organizing a Royal Society APEX Masterclass entitled Big Data Calculations in STEM. More information under Outreach.

8. March 2023
Alexander Hock (University of Oxford) gives a talk entitled A simple formula for the x-y symplectic transformation in Topological Recursion. This is in the context of the seminar series on Mathematical Physics.

22. February 2023
Robert Brandenberger (McGill) gives a talk entitled Emergent Metric Space-Time and Early Universe Cosmology from Matrix Theory. This is in the context of the seminar series on Mathematical Physics.

11. February 2023
Prof Melgaard organizes Master Open Day in Department of Mathematics, presenting the MSc in Mathematics, MSc in Financial Data Analytics, MSc in Financial Mathematics, MSc in Corporate and Financial Risk Management, as well as the MSc in Data Science and the MSc in Human and Social Data Science.

8. February 2023
S.O. Alexeyev (Lomonosov MST) gives a talk entitled Extended Gravity at Different Scales. This is in the context of the seminar series on Mathematical Physics.

25. January 2023
Dr Adam Baskerville (ExscientiaAL, Oxford) gives a Chemistry seminar talk entitled Designing drugs using quantum mechanics.

19. January 2023
We are welcoming new doctoral student Brice Kammegne Tcheugam who was awarded a EPSRC funded studenthip in 2022.

25. January 2023
Elizabeth Winstanley (University of Sheffield) gives a talk entitled Superradiance and quantum states on black hole space-times. This is in the context of the seminar series on Mathematical Physics.

12. January 2023
Together with colleagues in Chemistry, we organize a widening participation workshop entitled Quantum Chemistry Workshop. More information under Outreach.

7. December 2022
Nobel Laureate, Sir Roger Penrose (University of Oxford) gives a talk entitled From Black Hole Singularities to Conformal Cyclic Cosmology. This is in the context of the seminar series on Mathematical Physics.

7. December 2022
Prof. Elena Besley (Nottingham) gives a Chemistry talk entitled Modelling the mechanisms of electrostatic fragmentationand self-assemply.

30. November 2022
Sanjaye Ramgoolam (Queen Mary University) gives a talk entitled Hidden symmetries in Matrix Models and Matrix Quantum Mechanics. This is in the context of the seminar series on Mathematical Physics.

12. November 2022
Prof Melgaard organizes Master Open Day in Department of Mathematics, presenting the MSc in Mathematics, MSc in Financial Data Analytics, MSc in Financial Mathematics, MSc in Corporate and Financial Risk Management, as well as the MSc in Data Science and the MSc in Human and Social Data Science.

11. November 2022
We are welcoming MChem student Peter Russell who will work on the finite element method in quantum physics, as well as numerical tensor methods. Peter is co-supervised with Prof H. Cox.

15. June 2022
Together with colleagues in Chemistry and Engineering, we are organizing a Royal Society APEX Masterclass entitled Big Data Calculations in STEM. More information under Outreach.

6. June 2022
Prof. Melgaard gives the talk Shining Light in the Darkness: the Mathematics of Boson stars at Cardiff University. Also available on Youtube.

9. May 2022
Upcoming event on May 9. Prof. H. Cox (Chemistry, Sussex), will give a talk on Bound State Stability in Three-Body Coulomb Systems in the Mathematical Physics seminar series. Link to the MP seminar series schedule.

18. March 2022
Our paper entitled Regularity, symmetry and asymptotic behaviour of solutions for some Stein-Weiss type integral systems has been accepted for publication in Pacific Journal of Mathematics.

24. January 2022
Prof. M. Yang (Zhejiang Normal University, China) gives a virtual talk entitled On critical Hartree equations, qualitative analysis and its applications. This is in the context of the seminar series on Analysis and PDEs.

8. december 2021
Chemistry Seminar talk entitled From electronic and vibrational structure to quantum dynamics with matrix product states by Prof. Markus Reiher, ETH Zurich.

2. december 2021
Seminar talk entitled `Shining Light in the Darkness: the Mathematics of Boson stars’ by Prof. Melgaard at York University (time 4:15pm).

17. September 2021
Please join us in congratulating Ville Syrjanen on successfully defending his Ph.D. dissertation this afternoon. We wish him success in all his future endeavours.

10. June 2021
Upcoming event on June 10. Fields medalist, Prof. Alessio Figalli (ETH, Zurich), will give a public (virtual) lecture when the Dr Perry James Browne Research Centre on Mathematics and its Applications is officially launched on June 10, 2021. For more about the donation to the Department of Mathematics in the form of a Legacy gift. Link to the lecture.

27. May 2021
Our paper entitled Solitary waves and excited states for Boson stars has been accepted for publication in Analysis and Applications.

19. May 2021
Wonderful news from the Royal Society. We’ve been granted the APEX Award 2021 (two-year grant).

5. February 2021
Our new paper on the maximum ionization in restricted and unrestricted Hartree-Fock theory has been published in Atoms.

28. September 2020
The module Functional Analysis (G1029/851G1) begins.

18. August 2020
Due to the global pandemic the Nordic Congress of Mathematicians, August 18-21, 2020, Aalto, Finland, has been postponed until 2022.

31. July 2020
Our paper on the Poisson wave trace formula for Dirac resonances at spectrum edges and applications is accepted for publication in Asian Journal of Mathematics.

8. April 2020
Our paper, jointly with our colleagues in Chemistry, has been accepted for publication in Advances of Quantum Chemistry vol. 81.

18. November 2019
Please join us in congratulating Bobby Cheng on successfully defending his Ph.D. dissertation this afternoon. We wish him success in all his future endeavours.

20. March 2018
Congratulations to Mariana, who has been awarded the Chancellor’s International Research Scholarship. Well done!